Tecnofilm develops and produces TPE infill granules for football and rugby fields. EB PRENE for infill has been tested in certified FIFA/IRB laboratories. It fulfills the requirements for international football and rugby and test reports are available upon request. Besides, the product has also been tested according to the stringent Dutch norms for soil decree “Besluit Bodemkwaliteit” and to EN 71-3:2013 + A3:2018 for toys, showing that the eco-friendly aspects meet all the standards. Moreover the product does not compact and is durable, meeting the best values from the Dutch hardgrove test and showing an excellent wear resistance.



The advantages are as follows:
- Meeting FIFA Quality and Quality Pro standards and IRB as well
- Eco-compatible and human friendly
- Good grip for players with easy turning and twisting
- Less splash
- Constant ball bounce and predictable play
- Resistance in all weather circumstances
- Excellent UV resistance